SSDT proglasio FZS za Najboljeg partnera u 2016.

Beograd, 29. 12. 2016.

Skupština Saveza Srbije za dizanje tegova održana je danas u prostorijama našeg fakulteta. Toplu dobrodošlicu članovima Saveza poželela je dekanka, prof. dr Ivanka Gajić, nakon čega joj je predsednik SSDT, prof. dr Milan Mihajlović uručio priznanje za Najboljeg partnera u 2016. godini.


–  Veliko mi je zadovoljstvo što se ova skupština održava baš na Fakultetu za sport jer sa Savezom Srbije za dizanje tegova imamo sjajne partnerske odnose. Edukacija budućih sportskih kadrova nam je izuzetno važna, te će se stoga naša buduća saradnja bazirati na obrazovanju budućih operativnih trenera, menadžera, a od ove godine, i sudija – navela je dekanka u svom obraćanju.

Prema rečima profesora Mihajlovića, tekuća godina je jedna od najuspešnijih u istoriji srpskog ovog sporta, a nakon kratkog sumiranja, proglašeni su najuspešniji pojedinci. Pehare najboljima dodelila je generalna sekretarka SSDT-a, Rita Špajzer. Član subotičkog „Spartaka“, Tamaš Kajdoči, proglašen je za najboljeg seniora, a najbolja seniorka za ovu godinu je Tijana Stevanović iz beogradskog Partizana. Pehar za najboljeg trenera je takođe otišao u Suboticu, u ruke Stipana Verta.

Na Skupštini je izglasano i novo rukovodstvo, na čijem će se čelu i u narednom periodu naći prof. dr Mihajlović.


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Belgrade, 29 December 2016

The General Assembly Meeting of the Weightlifting Association of Serbia was held today at the premises of our faculty. A warm welcome to members of the Association was wished by the dean, prof. dr Ivanka Gajić, who afterwards was presented an award for the Best Partner of WAS in 2016 by the President of the WAS, prof. dr Milan Mihajlović.


“It gives me great pleasure that this meeting is taking place at the Faculty of Sport, because we have excellent partner cooperation with the Weightlifting Association of Serbia. Education of future sports workers is extremely important to us, and therefore our cooperation in the time to come will be based on the education of operating coaches and managers, as well as, for the first time this year – referees.” – said the dean in her address.

Professor Mihajlović said that the current year is one of the most successful in the history of Serbian weightlifting sport. After a brief summarizing, the most successful individuals were declared. They were awarded sports cups by the Secretary General of the WAS, Rita Špajzer. Tamaš Kajdoči, member of „Spartacus“ from Subotica, was declared best senior, while the best woman senior for this year is Tijana Stevanović from Belgrade’s “Partizan”. The cup for the best coach finished in the hands of Stipan Verta from Subotica.

The Assembly voted a new leadership; in the forthcoming period WAS will again be headed by prof. dr Milan Mihajlović.


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