The fifth international conference „Sport and Safety“ in the joint organization of the Bulgarian National Sports Academy „Vasil Levski“ and the Faculty of Sport „University Union – Nikola Tesla“ was held in Sofia. The delegation of our Faculty, consisting of the Dean Ivanka Gajić, vice chancellor for teaching Milan Mihajlović, associate professor Radivoje Petrović and assistant professor Uroš Mitrović, had a very visible participation, as evidenced by the prestigious award that deservedly came into our hands.
This scientific congress in Bulgaria gathered a significant number of faculties from the region, and on that occasion, about 50 scientific papers, announcements and poster presentations were presented.
Prof. Phd Radivoje Petrović presented the paper entitled „Mediatisation of the video – violence of the new age“ in which the emphasis was on a kind of media terrorism over sports. Joint scientific work of the author doc. Phd Uros Mitrović and doc. Phd Ivana Parčina, entitled „Crisis Management – Communication Tools and PR as a Support to the Sports Industry“ was presented by the Assistant Professor Mitrović who pointed out how the world’s largest competitions and global sports events are using marketing communication tools and PR in order to gain the support of various public – mass, laic, professional and managerial – and continued with the popularization of sports and the expansion of its influence in society. The paper also cited examples that show that many countries in the world, massive investment in sports, promote their diplomatic and international relations and enhance the image of the world
We are proud to point out that the poster presentation of this scientific work was declared as thebest, and the award was presented by Rector of the National Sports Academy „Vasil Levski“ Pencho Geshev.
During the conference, a Memorandum of Cooperation between the faculties of sports for the Balkan countries was signed, which should contribute to closer cooperation and better coordination on joint projects in the future, as well as to promote the exchange of various sports programs and educational experience for the needs of top sportsmen training. The Memorandum was signed by as many as 11 faculties and seven countries (Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Turkey).
We are extremely pleased with the results of this scientific conference and the way that our Faculty has once again presented it to a wider professional audience. We had very high quality scientific papers and excellent presentations, and the reward we received is only a consequence of all that. What was the additional benefit of this scientific gathering is that related faculties from the territory of the Balkan Peninsula signed a Memorandum that will achieve much closer co-operation and hope for even better mutual results – stated professor Phd Ivanka Gajić.